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Goat’s cheese and truffle baked in pastry

July 01, 2018

Goat’s cheese and truffle baked in pastry

The tang of soft, creamy goat’s cheese pairs so well with the fruit paste in these pastries. If you can, make them a day or two ahead of time to allow the truffle to infuse into the cheese, then bake them just before serving.


200 g log of firm goat’s cheese

4 sheets of filo pastry

50 g butter, melted

40 g fruit paste, such as quince, plum or apple

10 g finely shaved black truffle

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with baking paper.

2. Using a sharp knife, cut the cheese crossways into four rounds. Place a sheet of filo on a clean surface and brush with butter. Top with the remaining sheets of filo, brushing each one with butter as you go. Cut the pastry sheet into four rectangles by cutting it in half lengthways and then crossways.

3. Place a heaped teaspoon of fruit paste at one end of each pastry rectangle. Top with a round of goat’s cheese and a sprinkling of shaved truffle, then roll up to enclose. Brush with butter and place on the prepared tray, seam-side down. Bake for 20–25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately scattered with extra truffle.

This is a recipe from The Truffle Cookbook by Rodney Dunn.

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